The Shenyang J-15, also known as the Flying Shark, is a carrier based fighter in the development of the Company and Shenyang Aircraft Institute for the 601 carriers of the China People's Liberation Army Marine.

    J-15 program was officially launched in 2006, and the J-15 first prototype made its maiden flight 31 August 2009 on suspicion of being powered by the Russian AL-31 turbofan provided pictures and video engines were still flying released in July 2010, showing the same design of the basic unit that the Su-33. In July 2011, it was reported FWS-10H turbofan was chosen to J-15 fighter, which has pushed up takeoff 12,800 kg, compared to FWS-10 turbofan 12.500 kg. Further improvements have also been made to make it better suited for carrier-based fighter requirement. May 6, 2010, the plane made its first flight of a simulated ski jump.
    An article in the China Signpost believes the J-15 "exceeds or matches the aerodynamic capabilities of virtually all combat aircraft currently operated by regional military except the US F-22 Raptor probable" alleging that the J-15 probably has a higher ratio of 10% thrust-weight and wing loading of 25% less than the F / a-18E / F super Hornet.
    A dual seat variant made its maiden flight on November 4, 2012. The general designer of J-15 is Mr. Sun Cong. The deputy general designer of J-15 is Mr. Wang Yongqing.

    In December 2013 the Chinese media reported that the mass production of J-15s in full operational condition with fighting brands began.



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