P-30 is a new project different from what currently exists.
    The plane has the wings reversed in the direction of advance, technique very difficult to carry out, because of the enormous stresses on the wings in supersonic mode.
    But today with composite materials, this has become possible.
    The 1980s Grumman X-29 (1984 to 1991 for the last flight) was designed to explore this promising technique.

     It's been 40 years already.
    The plane was a success, but I do not know the reasons for its abandonment.
    The X-29 clearly inspired this P30. This is the reason why its name is:

     Northrop Grumman P30.

    The sukhoi su-47 uses the same principles, but later, in 1997.
    Airplane also abandoned.
    For the pleasure of making and flying this P-30 aircraft, it is also vertical takeoff, with orientable thrust vectors.



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